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Packaging waste for retailers and foodservice

Sustainable struggles: packaging waste

Question: Does packaging really attract or put off potential customers for businesses? Answer: The environmentally friendly, green-thinking, sustainability valuing customer will pay attention to detai...

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If you've got a question about energy efficiency and your business, we've got the experts to answer it. Submit your question through our contact form or tweet us at @bizenergy.
Scandic Hamurg Emporio Hotel aims for zero carbon emissions

European hotel aims for zero carbon emissions

Question: Hotels are getting better with their energy consumption but is it realistic to aim for zer...

Banking on the benefits of low-flow fixtures

Banking on the benefits of low-flow fixtures

Question: Would the initial cost of installing low-flow fixtures in my accommodations building actua...

Earn LEED credits with an energy-efficient water-side economizer

Getting energy-efficient with a water-side...

Question: How can a water-side economizer benefit my business? Answer: This super energy-efficient m...

Sustainable fish in the Filet-O-Fish

Fast food giant McDonald’s leads the way in...

Question: Is it worth it for businesses in the fast food service sector to invest in sustainable pro...

Global consumers are fans of sustainable retailers

New study shows global consumers care about...

Question: Aside from personal gratification from integrating sustainability into a retail business (...

Reducing food waste in restaurants

Reducing food waste: portion sizes in food service

Question: Aside from composting, do you have any advice on cutting down food waste in restaurants? A...

Germany's push on renewable energy and high electricity prices have businesses going off-grid

A German hotel takes on energy self-sufficiency

Question: Is it really possible for businesses to generate their own electricity? We run a bed and b...

Waste Heat Recovery

Why businesses should get on board with waste...

Question: My restaurant is considering a waste heat recovery system for our kitchen — what do I ne...